Thursday, March 17, 2005

What the hell is wrong with this WORLD????

Why does it take a freaking hearing from congress to look into steroid use in Major league baseball???? There are people in all forms of sports using illegal drugs. WHO CARES?? Don't we have more important things going on in this world? Let's see there's a war going on in Iraq, Nukes being developed in countries that I believe are stupid enough to use them and $2 plus a gallon for gas that is showing no signs of getting cheaper here in Ohio and were worried about some over paid baseball player doing steriods. Who really cares? I really want to meet you so you can go and stand next to the same moron that wastes 3 hours a day standing up the road in front of the abortion clinic. Who knows maybe he will think your a moron also. (I don't support for or against abortion I just find it funny when men are up there, isn't this for the most part a woman's decision??) Get out of sports, stop wasting our time and money and get back to running the government you overpaid idiots.

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