Thursday, March 24, 2005

Court blocks release of 9/11 emergency calls

Now this is what the government should be wasting their time doing, who in the hell wants to listen to frantic people pleading for their lives? Well obviously someone does because they are fighting to get the tapes released. Burn these tapes/CD's whatever no one has the rights to them. For those of you who think you have the right go F**K yourself, I am sometimes embarresed to be an AMERICAN and this is one of them. Let these families let their loved ones rest in peace. You know some people are just rude and have no respect for the feelings of others, I can hear them now "it's our right to hear those tapes" (Makes you kind of sick doesn't it) well it's about time the courts made the right decision and blocked the release of these phone calls. Well that's my 7 minutes on this subject. BOUT TIME THE COURTS GOT SOMETHING RIGHT.

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