Friday, March 18, 2005

5 Minutes on this whole Michael Jackson thing

First off why are we looking at him? Seriously, what parent leaves their child alone with this guy in the first place considering his past? I'm not sure he did (secretly I think he did it) but I want these parents looked at. I mean if someone was looked at for molesting children a couple of years ago I don't think I would be leaving my child with him. What this all comes down to once again is WHERE ARE THE PARENTS while all this was going on????? It's almost as if they wanted this to happen so they could sue the shit out of Michael Jackson. I think these parents and families should get NOTHING and Michael Jackson shouldn't be able to have kids over to his house without parental supervision of the children and for gods sake don't let your kids spend the night. Look at this guy and think for just 2 seconds, does this guy look and act right?? NOPE!!!!!!!!!! This once again show exactly how much time and money are wasted by our government.

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