Saturday, March 19, 2005

House to consider compromise to 'save Terri Schiavo'

All right here we go again, the government sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. This womans husband stated that it was his wifes wish to never be kept alive by artificial mean, that should have been the end of discussion. I understand the pain and frustration that her parents must be going through, but the husband is the decision maker regardless. There was no living will so it is basically his word against theirs and since it is her husband it should be his word that the court rules in favor of. Why doesn't congress just move into all of our houses and start running all of our lives? People have to make difficult decisions everyday and I'm sure this isn't easy for her husband, he is just trying to live out his wifes wishes. This is once again another reason we can't get the tough issues taken care of in congress, we have them worrying about something that should have ended 7 years ago. Don't the courts have better things to worry about, this is Terri Schiavo's wish and should have been handled years ago. Maybe it's becoming time to not be politically correct and actually follow the wishes of Terri Schiavo. I understand where he is coming from I have no living will, but I have expressed the same wish to my wife, that if I am in a vegitative state pull the plug and I don't care what my parents wishes are I want my wife to do the right thing. I don't want to be a burden on anyone, and look at the costs to keep someone alive like that. No chance of recovery, pull the plug please. SORRY

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