Saturday, February 18, 2006

Woo Hoo another 15 die in cartoon protest!!!!

Keep going idiots and eventually you will kill yourselves off. (I hope) you keep trying to get your message across, I figure 10-15 a day @ 365 days we will eventually be rid of all your religious politics. I'm truly not celebrating, I just find it funny that after 3 weeks you have nothing better to do. Why don't you go out and help an old lady cross the street somewhere??? Instead you go and trample one another, then throw rocks and burn shit. I'm just truthfully tired of hearing about how you have been offended. You say we are pushing our beliefs on you, well what do you call this? You pushing your beliefs on us. All religion seems to do is cause problems anymore, call it the devils tongue if you must, but all that I see coming out of religion anymore is chaos. Every different religion seems to think they are right, well go to you little building that you believe makes you better and celebrate your religion and leave the rest of us alone. I AM TIRED OF IT. Your a bunch of hippocrates. Religion doesn't tell you to go out and kill people, it doesn't tell you to tear stuff up, it teaches tolerance and faith. GET IT!!!!!

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