Saturday, February 25, 2006

Now I'm getting PISSED OFF!!!!

Alright now I know that some people have nothing to do with this Vegas trip that I am getting ready to go on, but my buddy and I are trying to just simply change the dates that we are going. Now here is the problem, nothing has been booked yet, we are trying to get our money back, but the guy in charge of booking our trip won't call me back. Now here is the problem, I may be going to China during the time frame that the group is going so I may not be able to go with them to begin with. Second, they picked the most expensive week in the month of May to goto Vegas, if we go the next week it will save us about $100 per person. Third, if we can get our money back, the flights are selling out like hot cakes for the cheap fare for the week Richard and I may be going, hence pissing me off, I'm just trying to get my ass to Las Vegas with my buddy and hoping to do it as cheap as possible. So here is what I believe our situation should be, either book the freaking trip so we are all going together, or give me my freaking money so Richard and I can book the trip the following week, month, year whatever it is just so we can book the trip. Lesson learned, never let someone who isn't going on the trip plan it for the group, now granted he may have originally been planning on going, he might of backed out. This has been the poorest planned event I have ever been involved with, they didn't even call a travel agent to find out what the cheapest week to go as a group was, instead 9 months before the trip they must have agreed that the 3rd week in May was it. Thanks for listening to me vent LATER>

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