Friday, February 17, 2006

Let's hear it for the IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a bunch of freaking IDIOTS, these people rioting over a freaking cartoon. Your a bunch of retards and you wonder why the world hates you. All this does is give you morons a good reason to go out and tear shit up. This has been going on for what? Three weeks now? You've made your point, now get over it and move on. Another 10 people were killed today, how many more have to die until YOU MONSTERS are happy? All you have now done is shown what uneducated monsters you all really are. I for one am tired of your religious politics, you ever notice that people won't talk about religion or politics, well you have all combined them into one thing. We are tired of them, this didn't happen in your country, people are tired of hearing about your icon and how there was a cartoon drawn. WHIPdee DO. Let's go out and kill our own people, and burn a bunch of shit up, you kind of remind me of those morons that tore their neighborhood up in LA years ago.

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