Tuesday, April 19, 2005

All righty now everyone who saw the story on this guy who killed the detective in Rhode Island please raise your hand.

Well anyone who has seen this story about Esteban Carpio who killed R.I. Police Detective James Allen saw this guy show up in court with some kind of mask on and his eyes were all swollen and bruised. Well you know what this guy shouldn't be breathing. What the hell is wrong with his parents or who ever in the hell was carrying on in the court room? This kid killed/murdered a police officer, there is no question in my mind that this guy should be dead. The parents/friends of Carpio saw this guy enter the court room and they started freaking out over the condition of his face, well maybe they should have carted the dead cops body through the court room and layed it right in front of this guys parents/friends, then maybe they would fully understand why this guys face looked the way it did.
There had better be no court in the world that will consider this police brutality. Plain and simple the cops should have just killed him, that would have made this so much easier. I love it how the media is already making a circus out of this, when are we all going to wake up and realize that Carpio isn't the victim here. I hope the guy gets the death penalty, or he accidentally slips and smashes his head under the post of his bed in his jail cell.

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