Thursday, March 06, 2008

Mom sprays child at car wash with 1200 PSI wash hose

Now this is FUCKED UP, I actually got angry and damn near cracked a tear watching that mom stand there blasting her child with the car wash sprayer. I mean come on, how fucked up do you have to be to do something like that to your child??? I hope when they do catch her they take her and her friend and let them see what that felt like. I don't know what that child could have done to have deserved that. Anyone that doesn't know what that feels like needs to go to one of those car washes and just stick you hand in front of one of those sprayers, then imagine that on your face. Just to let you know I ran my hand under 1500 PSI once and it broke the skin on my hand, needless to say I will never do that again. That poor kid, if mom does that in public, imagine what kind of abuse that kid gets at home. I'm not a perfect parent, but I will never subject my kid to that kind of abuse. I'm going to go hug my child now, why don't you go hug yours.

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