Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Rumsfeld resigning
Theres a fucking surprise, what in the hell took so long. Oh I get it the american people spoke yesterday by getting rid of all the republicans or at least a good bit of them. Rumsfeld your an idiot. Goodriddance. Then here is another great surprise that came out today "President Bush is taking responsiblity for the republicans losing control of the house" well gee whiz George are we surprised, you have a 23% approval rating in some states. The government will always be fucked up, but damn Georgie has it really screwed up right now. GET OUT OF IRAQ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot and will not ever win this war.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
You know what? I don't get to write here much, but when I do I normally think that it is pretty funny. Obviously no one else does because no one ever says anything good or bad. Well normally I have tons to say, but by the time I sit down to write about it I have forgotten what I was going to write about. OLD AGE???
I have deceided that I am going to leave some what should be common driving tips, but the way morons drive anymore I guess their not so common.
1. Freeway driving: Normally slower traffic is supposed to stay to the right, regardless what the speed limit is, if there is someone behind you that wants to pass, let them pass. That means get over into the right hand lane. I'm sure most of us have seen those little signs on the freeway that say slower traffic stay to the right, well this isn't a suggestion, get the f*$# out of the way. Now this doesn't mean that I am the speed freak that you are thinking, when I am in the left lane, I make my pass and get back over to the right especially if it is a 4 lane highway (2 lanes in each direction) I'm just amazed at the amount of people that think the left lane is for cruising. There is a reason people get road rage, that is because people won't get out of other peoples way.
2 Freeway driving: Entrance ramps on freeways (expressways, parkways we call them freeways in Ohio) are for getting up to speed by the time you begin to merge with traffic. There is nothing better than seeing someone getting on the freeway right in front of you doing 35 MPH and you are doing 65. This person is a moron and should have their license revoked for being too stupid to know how to get up to speed. Yes you moron it is the pedal on the right hand side, push it to the floor if you have to, just be up to speed or at least within 5 MPH by the time you are ready to merge with traffic.
2a. Entrance ramps and merging with freeway traffic, you know this really has to do with getting up to speed and being ready to merge with traffic on the freeway, merge as soon as possible, just because you come to the end of the merge doesn't mean that everyone should slam on their brakes and let you merge in. At the same time for those idiots that don't seem to understand that this car needs to get into traffic, slow up a little and let them in, courtesy will get you a long way in my book. I love merging on a freeway when 3 cars get bumper to bumper just to keep you from getting in line, thanks assholes. Why is everyone in such a hurry, ever wonder how many people have been killed in car accidents just because they were in such a hurry. Let the people on the freeway moron especially if they are up to speed or get in the next lane, this isn't a NASCAR race, there is no prize at the finish line.
I have deceided that I am going to leave some what should be common driving tips, but the way morons drive anymore I guess their not so common.
1. Freeway driving: Normally slower traffic is supposed to stay to the right, regardless what the speed limit is, if there is someone behind you that wants to pass, let them pass. That means get over into the right hand lane. I'm sure most of us have seen those little signs on the freeway that say slower traffic stay to the right, well this isn't a suggestion, get the f*$# out of the way. Now this doesn't mean that I am the speed freak that you are thinking, when I am in the left lane, I make my pass and get back over to the right especially if it is a 4 lane highway (2 lanes in each direction) I'm just amazed at the amount of people that think the left lane is for cruising. There is a reason people get road rage, that is because people won't get out of other peoples way.
2 Freeway driving: Entrance ramps on freeways (expressways, parkways we call them freeways in Ohio) are for getting up to speed by the time you begin to merge with traffic. There is nothing better than seeing someone getting on the freeway right in front of you doing 35 MPH and you are doing 65. This person is a moron and should have their license revoked for being too stupid to know how to get up to speed. Yes you moron it is the pedal on the right hand side, push it to the floor if you have to, just be up to speed or at least within 5 MPH by the time you are ready to merge with traffic.
2a. Entrance ramps and merging with freeway traffic, you know this really has to do with getting up to speed and being ready to merge with traffic on the freeway, merge as soon as possible, just because you come to the end of the merge doesn't mean that everyone should slam on their brakes and let you merge in. At the same time for those idiots that don't seem to understand that this car needs to get into traffic, slow up a little and let them in, courtesy will get you a long way in my book. I love merging on a freeway when 3 cars get bumper to bumper just to keep you from getting in line, thanks assholes. Why is everyone in such a hurry, ever wonder how many people have been killed in car accidents just because they were in such a hurry. Let the people on the freeway moron especially if they are up to speed or get in the next lane, this isn't a NASCAR race, there is no prize at the finish line.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
What in the world is going on in the WORLD????
Everyday I continue to question some of the choices people make in this world. YES!!!! I understand that everyone has a choice, but I just read that a school district in I think it was Massachusetts is banning games like tag and flag football for fear of the kids attending that school getting hurt and their parents suing the school.
Are we going to have all our children going to school in the next five years in bubbles? I just don’t get it anymore. People are using personal injury as their personal ATM. I thought schools carried insurance for kids that get hurt. Kids are going to get hurt, it is a known fact. Now if it is neglect then that is one thing, but if it is just a bunch of kids running around having fun, that’s another.
Now if a school allows a child to play on playground equipment they know is unsafe, that is neglect, but if a kid falls off a piece of playground equipment that is properly maintained, then that is an accident and no court in the world should hear the case. But yet we have these ambulance chasers that encourage people to sue, and they do and that is what is causing our insurance rates to skyrocket.
No wonder my workplace can no longer afford to pay health costs, it is people like Johnny’s mom and dad that are suing the school system because Johnny fell down and scraped his knee or heaven forbid broke his arm. I’M SURE IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.
Come on people stand up against this crap and start holding the correct people accountable. We are starting to live in a bubble and it’s just not healthy.
Are we going to have all our children going to school in the next five years in bubbles? I just don’t get it anymore. People are using personal injury as their personal ATM. I thought schools carried insurance for kids that get hurt. Kids are going to get hurt, it is a known fact. Now if it is neglect then that is one thing, but if it is just a bunch of kids running around having fun, that’s another.
Now if a school allows a child to play on playground equipment they know is unsafe, that is neglect, but if a kid falls off a piece of playground equipment that is properly maintained, then that is an accident and no court in the world should hear the case. But yet we have these ambulance chasers that encourage people to sue, and they do and that is what is causing our insurance rates to skyrocket.
No wonder my workplace can no longer afford to pay health costs, it is people like Johnny’s mom and dad that are suing the school system because Johnny fell down and scraped his knee or heaven forbid broke his arm. I’M SURE IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.
Come on people stand up against this crap and start holding the correct people accountable. We are starting to live in a bubble and it’s just not healthy.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Now wait just a second
Now this survivor thing is getting blown way out of proportion here. Since they made a group of whites only on the show everyone is losing their minds. No one has any complaints about the million man march, BET (black entertainment television), the hispanic channel that is here in Columbus. If there was just a black, asian, and hispanic group on that show with no all "white" team you wouldn't hear anyone bitching, but due to it being all "white" you have every group that is against this coming unglued. I see GM has already pulled their sponsorship from the show, and all these people are blaming Mark Burnett for doing this just for ratings. You know what there is nothing wrong with what he is doing, will it prove that whites are better than all the other races (I don't think so) Will it show how the different races act when they are around their own race (sure). People just need to get over themselves, if people would stop bitching about race, eventually it will for the most part go away. It's people like these that piss me off. I'm all for the WET channel (white entertaiment television) United Whitey College Fund and so on. I'm tired of these double standards) What's good for one isn't good for the other. Let's see each race fund their own college fund and see whose gets full first. I'm tired of people wanting handouts and I'm tired of hearing people bitching about their race. Give it up I had nothing to do with what happened 50 years ago. Todd>>>>
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Presidential Poll
President Bush's unpopularity -- due largely to the war in Iraq -- seems likely to affect GOP candidates in the November elections, according to a new CNN poll. Fifty-five percent of 1,004 Americans surveyed said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who has supported Bush policies.
No shit, thanks for the udate. The people who wrote this are probably the same assholes that voted for him. It doesn't take rocket scientist to figure out that it is time for a change. I would like to meet the 45% of people that would support a candidate who has supported Bush policies. I bet they are rich with some of that oil money, or they don't have friends or family serving their country over in IRAQ.
No shit, thanks for the udate. The people who wrote this are probably the same assholes that voted for him. It doesn't take rocket scientist to figure out that it is time for a change. I would like to meet the 45% of people that would support a candidate who has supported Bush policies. I bet they are rich with some of that oil money, or they don't have friends or family serving their country over in IRAQ.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Why is gas all of a sudden $2.25
This just goes to show exactly how the government is fu@#$%^ us in the ass. Why was gas $0.75 more a gallon a month ago? What no storm, no new war and so on to blame it on. Wait, the presidential elections are coming here in the next couple of years. Maybe it is George W. that is fu@#$%^ us in the ass and now he is all done and has pulled out and is giving us a breather before the next president gets elected. Gotta make sure that he looks good before he gets out of office, like the republicans are the reason gas prices have came down. Republicans are the reason gas prices went up, we are fighting an unwinnable war. I get the feeling that I am paying for this war by filling up my truck at the gas pumps, we have to pay for it some how don't we? Think you people voted that clown back into office, not to mention that he drug that other dumb motherfu@ker Donald Rumsfield with him. What the hell is wrong with the president that he is so determined to help another country when there is so much wrong with the one that voted him into office. Fu@# them people over there, they hate us anyhow. If we are going to rebuild their country after blowing it up then we should be paying $0.50 at the pumps. HUMVEE's for everyone. Why does everyone say this, but yet our congress/president doesn't listen.
Here recently the president made a comment from down in New Orleans about why we are in Iraq, he said something to the effect of we have our troops there because of the 3,000 people that died on September 11, 2001 well I guess the president hasn't been paying attention to the death toll over there in Iraq, I think we just surpassed the number that died on 9/11. Gee I guess it was OK for those 3,000 troops to die in Iraq, but it wasn't OK for the 3,000 that died on 9/11 here on American soil. So now we have a death toll of 6,000 instead of 3,000. You cannot win a war against terrorist, I have been there, I have read the books. What are we going to do lose 10,000 american troops so we can stop a few thousand terrorists. If the Iraqi people want to be free of terrorist let them get rid of them. If they enjoy that kind of life, let them stay there. Time to start taking care of our own.
I was in the military and I understand that tough decisions are being made, well what are these fine young men and women dying for???? So a bunch of uneducated people that had better lives before we got there can blow us up. GET OUT OF IRAQ NOW!!!!!
Here recently the president made a comment from down in New Orleans about why we are in Iraq, he said something to the effect of we have our troops there because of the 3,000 people that died on September 11, 2001 well I guess the president hasn't been paying attention to the death toll over there in Iraq, I think we just surpassed the number that died on 9/11. Gee I guess it was OK for those 3,000 troops to die in Iraq, but it wasn't OK for the 3,000 that died on 9/11 here on American soil. So now we have a death toll of 6,000 instead of 3,000. You cannot win a war against terrorist, I have been there, I have read the books. What are we going to do lose 10,000 american troops so we can stop a few thousand terrorists. If the Iraqi people want to be free of terrorist let them get rid of them. If they enjoy that kind of life, let them stay there. Time to start taking care of our own.
I was in the military and I understand that tough decisions are being made, well what are these fine young men and women dying for???? So a bunch of uneducated people that had better lives before we got there can blow us up. GET OUT OF IRAQ NOW!!!!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Religion is going to kill us all
The world is full of religious fanatics and I for one belive that religion will eventually kill us all. Everyone thinks that they are right and not a single one of them can prove it, but they are all willing to die for it. Let me try and be nice here because I have some really choice words for you all. YOU ARE WRONG!!! Innocent people are dying because of something you read in a book, why can't you just read your silly little book and hope and pray that it is real in the end?? I'm not saying that I don't hope and pray myself, but I keep it to myself. If I don't believe that is my business, and if I do believe that is my business also. I'm tired of hearing about this holy war, I hope you all die SOON, so the rest of us can get on with our lives.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Jimbo, how we lookin??
This is my 4th attempt to post this, so I'm not writing much. Just wanted to say thanks to my father-in-law Jim for coming down this past week and helping me put this deck together. Through all the heat (90+ degree days, rain, power outages) we accomplished one hell of a good looking deck. I know that it isn't quite 100%, but that really isn't our fault, we are about 12 decking boards short and that is due to the lumber yard bringing us some real garbage. Well I took care of that today hopefully, I went and replaced those boards and I am now just waiting for my brother to come and help me put them in. Just wanted to say thanks Jim. Todd>>>>





Saturday, July 22, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Working on the deck
Today we boiled in the sun again, I am burnt, not fun. As you can see the rest of the lumber was delivered, Jim, my dad, and I had to move it all from the driveway to the backyard in the heat, not fun. For those of you that don't know Jim is the guy in the picture below, my father-in-law, and he is responsible for the overall deck, making sure that I am putting it together correctly, we have had to adjust a couple of things, but we are finally in the framing stages as you can see by the pictures below. Tomorrow has a good chance of thundershowers (great!!!!) not looking forward to the muddy mess, we just dried out from yesterdays showers. Well there is todays update, hopefully I will be in shape to write. Todd>>>>





Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Don't know if it really shows in the pictures or not, but we had a 25% chance of rain and we got it. What did it do , it turned my decking project into a freaking mess. Nothing but slick slimy mud and I sure hope most of it dries up tomorrow and stays nice Thursday and Friday. Today we had a couple of set backs, but tomorrow should be a good day. Time for bed, I'm beat. Todd>>>>





Friday, July 14, 2006
Getting closer
You might as well say 4 coats of paint closer. 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of stain, that is all. This would have been a fun project if I didn't have to paint the thing 4 times. Anyhow doing what needs to be done and I am on the final stretch. The only thing that I really have left is the side that you cannot see, I have no stain over there, but the good thing is that it is one of the easier sides to paint. Faye's dad will be here Monday and we are going to start the deck, figures that it is probably going to be the HOTTEST week of the year so far, they are predicting in the mid to upper 90's.




Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Slowly but surely
I know that I haven't been breaking any records, but I am getting it done. With all the rain and being a dad it sure isn't as easy as it used to be getting projects done. I got the whole side painted today during alex's nap. Not too bad, hopefully I will get 2 more hours in this afternoon. I wish the weather was a little more correct, there was an 80% chance of showers this morning, well when I see 80% I assume that it is going to rain. Oh well I will get it done when I can. Todd>>>>



Friday, July 07, 2006
Putting color back into the house
As you can see from the photos I have finished priming the Florida room and have started re-staining the room. My dad came down for a little bit and helped cut in under the windows. I don't have the patience to just stand there and cut in without taping, my dad should come down and do all the windows. Won't be too much longer and we will be adding a new deck and hopefully we will have a back yard that we can enjoy. Got to get back to work. Todd>>>>





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