Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Religion is going to kill us all

The world is full of religious fanatics and I for one belive that religion will eventually kill us all. Everyone thinks that they are right and not a single one of them can prove it, but they are all willing to die for it. Let me try and be nice here because I have some really choice words for you all. YOU ARE WRONG!!! Innocent people are dying because of something you read in a book, why can't you just read your silly little book and hope and pray that it is real in the end?? I'm not saying that I don't hope and pray myself, but I keep it to myself. If I don't believe that is my business, and if I do believe that is my business also. I'm tired of hearing about this holy war, I hope you all die SOON, so the rest of us can get on with our lives.


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