Friday, September 09, 2005

FEMA director's qualifications questioned

You know what this goes to show in Government "it's not who you know but who you........." This Mike Brown guy has been collecting a check and isn't even qualified to do the job. There seems to be alot of this going around lately, this guy knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone. I don't know who is officially responsible for hiring this guy, but who ever it is should lose their job also. If it is the President then this is just another attempt for him to line his FRIENDS up well paying jobs and just another attempt to screw the american people. I see the government has once again hired Halliburton to do some of the major repairs down in the gulf coast region. Doesn't Dick Cheney have something to do with Halliburton? Why don't we just give this guy 50 billion dollars and let him retire? This continues to be the good ol' boy network, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Get someone to head FEMA that knows what the hell is going on and can get the job done, instead you get the President of the United States on television telling this guy "what a great job you doing" when he should be firing this guy.

I work with a bunch of guys that continue to hire their buddies, the leader of the bunch has no clue what he is doing and he continues to bring in his friends that have no clue what they are doing. This just shows that it is everywhere just not in government. No one will be happy until we are all out of jobs.

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