Well lets put it this way, I'm not broke and I'm not rich. Had a really good time in Las Vegas, got to see a wedding, got to see the rest of the Strip - plus Fremont Street. Never really lost a lot of money or made a lot for that matter, overall I lost about $300 smacks, but that includes buying stuff, a little bit of eating and a little bit of drinking, I have no clue what Faye lost or made, she thinks she broke about even. (Faye does'nt care to gamble so she sticks to the nickle slots.) Anyway didn't have a whole lot of luck with the blackjack tables, I know I broke about even there, we play a little roulette and Faye won a little there. So that leaves the one arm bandits, well we actually did better than we thought, we came home with money.
We also went to a couple of shows while we were there, we saw the Folies Berege which is a old style topless vegas girls show, which had singing and dancing, we also saw Zumanity which is another Cirque De Soleil show going on in Las Vegas, this is an adult oriented showing and you must be 18 to enter. This show isn't like Mystere, which was for families. I have yet to be disappointed in a Cirque De soleil show, this was my third show.
We also got to see a Vegas wedding, Fayes' aunt Micky got married to Joe while we were out there, what a great time that was, it happened early Saturday morning at the Best little Wedding Chapel in the West. Quite the experience, didn't know what to expect but I thought it was really nice, and Faye and I were questioning why we didn't do that. Tons of people get married in Vegas, the wedding chapel where Joe and Micky got married performs about 150 weddings a week. There are probably about 50 wedding chapels, lots of money being made.
Well I get to look forward to my next trip to Las Vegas which should be in May 2006. I will be saving from now until then so I can have a good time like this one. Viva Las Vegas Baby
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Bowling: hmmmmmmmm
Well I tried it again this past Sunday, well let's put it this way I made my average EVERY GAME. Not too hard since I am only averaging 108. You know what I have decided you have to start somewhere and unfortunatly 108 is it. Next week my average will be 115 so obiviously I did a little better than my first week. Keep hoping it will all come together and I will start shooting some descent games, but as long as I keep missing the 5 pin (missed it twice Sunday, don't worry Kim, Richard was right there to pick up where you left off) that will not happen. All I can say is it can't get much worse, I've probably just jinxed myself. Until next week.........................
Can't you see your child asking this QUESTION?
Friday, September 09, 2005
FEMA director's qualifications questioned
You know what this goes to show in Government "it's not who you know but who you........." This Mike Brown guy has been collecting a check and isn't even qualified to do the job. There seems to be alot of this going around lately, this guy knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone. I don't know who is officially responsible for hiring this guy, but who ever it is should lose their job also. If it is the President then this is just another attempt for him to line his FRIENDS up well paying jobs and just another attempt to screw the american people. I see the government has once again hired Halliburton to do some of the major repairs down in the gulf coast region. Doesn't Dick Cheney have something to do with Halliburton? Why don't we just give this guy 50 billion dollars and let him retire? This continues to be the good ol' boy network, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Get someone to head FEMA that knows what the hell is going on and can get the job done, instead you get the President of the United States on television telling this guy "what a great job you doing" when he should be firing this guy.
I work with a bunch of guys that continue to hire their buddies, the leader of the bunch has no clue what he is doing and he continues to bring in his friends that have no clue what they are doing. This just shows that it is everywhere just not in government. No one will be happy until we are all out of jobs.
I work with a bunch of guys that continue to hire their buddies, the leader of the bunch has no clue what he is doing and he continues to bring in his friends that have no clue what they are doing. This just shows that it is everywhere just not in government. No one will be happy until we are all out of jobs.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Getting ready for VEGAS

OH YEAH BABY! In just over 2 weeks (2 weeks and 1 day to be exact) Faye and I will be on our way to Las Vegas, NV for a couple of days. Hope to win big so Faye will let me go more often. Just getting excited and really hoping we have tons of fun, because you know thats what it is all about. But as you may have read earlier I will be going back in May 2006 with my buddy Richard and anyone else that cares to go that has the money.
Monday, September 05, 2005

Went to Hoover Dam today, yes the one in Ohio. What a great day and a nice little breeze was blowing. The only problem was the water was a little stinky. Had this weird sulfur smell to it, Faye thought it smelled a little like perm solution. We decided it would be a nice little day to take the dog for a walk, which I am sure damn near killed him and I will feel sorry for him tomorrow.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Well it is offically that time of year again and you know what I am actually looking forward to the Ohio State Buckeyes football season. I fully expect the Buckeyes to kick Miami's (OH) ass, and I believe they will do very well this season with only 1 or 2 close games. Good Luck Buckeyes and heres to another championship season.
Ricky Craven leaving Roush racing at end of 2005

Why is it my guy in NASCAR can't seem to get a break, Ricky Craven announce this past week that he will not be driving the #99 Superchips Ford in the 2006 Nascar Craftsman Truck Series. How is it a guy that has won a couple of Winston Cup races can't keep a ride, but these guys that have never won a race keep rides??? I hope Ricky announced his departure from Roush racing due to finding a cup ride. Any how good luck the rest of the season and I hope to see the #99 in victory lane.

SAY CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Hurricane KATRINA

What the hell is wrong with those people down there in New Orleans???? I am speaking specifically about the ones at the superdome, are these people animals or what? Trampling over each other to get on buses, shooting at people, looting, raping, killing. Now don't get me wrong I understand their frustration, no food or water, the heat, no where to go to the bathroom. Does that mean you have to carry on like a bunch of freaking animals, what does that help? People are scared, hungry, and tired just like you, but what can you do? Now I understand the governments response has been poor, but how do you expect the people that are there to help, to help when people are fighting, rioting, killing whatever it is that these people are doing. I can tell you now I wouldn't go in there with people acting the way that they are acting. Get organized, come together and help one another out, these young people trampling others to get on these buses, you are a bunch of uneducated cowards, there were others that needed help way more than you. The looting is fine as far as I am concerned for food, water and clothing, but the TV's, electronics (great question what did these people do with this stuff, there isn't any electric is there??) I really loved the people on TV dragging that big screen TV through the water, you are a bunch of freaking Ensteins aren't you. I can see them now "Hey Albert, let's get this big screen and take it home and set it in our living room with 8 feet of water in it. " IDIOTS. Boy I bet that picture is going to look really good after dragging that TV through all that water. I see that the people of New Orleans haven't changed a whole lot since I was down there about 7 years ago, a bunch of uneducated low income trash still exists. They were thieves then and I see they are still a bunch of thieves now, if it isn't bolted down they will steal it.
At the chance of sounding like a raciast (which I am not), why is it always black people carrying on like this, it is almost always the black folks that tear shit up when things go wrong. Cincinnati, Ohio a young black male is shot and what does the black community do? They tear the city up. The cops that beat the shit out of Rodney King get let off and what does the black community do? They tear the city up. Hurricane Katrina comes and destroys half a city and what does the black community do? They tear what is left of the city up. But yet these same people wonder why they are always treated differently and never given a chance. You act like a bunch of freaking animals, tearing shit up helps nothing, this actually takes more time and money to fix up. Kanye West last night stated that the President doesn't like black people, my question to Mr. West is do you like seeing what the black community is doing down there in New Orleans? I don't and the way people are acting I don't really care for them either. There are plenty of people sitting down there waiting patiently, it's pretty sad when police have to stop rescue efforts in order to stop the looting and gang violence.
On a lighter note, I hope everyone down there that needs help gets it soon, you are well over due. I think if the demographics were a little different help would have been there already. People need food and water, dry clothes to keep comfortable and dry, other than that everyone can survive. Be smart stay out of the water, I believe more people will die from disease than the storm itself.
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