Monday, April 09, 2007

Since when.....

All right now, I see that Imus the radio talk show host has made some kind of racial slur and now everyone is in a big huge up roar about it. I see that he is now apoligizing to Rev. Al Sharpton, here is my question, when did it become Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that gets an explanation or apology? Exactly when did these two become the speakers for blacks everywhere? I don't really care that much for Imus either way, I just want to know what it is that this guy needs to do, he has already apoligized for his statement, we have all said something that we have regretted in our lives, I'm just kind of curious why this guy is getting tied to the stake and burned. What sorry doesn't cut it anymore? Get over yourself there Al, I'm sure your perfect. I'm going to be the one to start the all white something, I'm tired of all this shit. I'm not a racist, but I am really getting tired of everytime someone does something to the black community I see either Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton on television demanding an apology. EMPOWER YOUR OWN.

What exactly is it that makes different races think that they are entitled to anything, I saw on the TV the other day that all the mexicans were protesting out in california for immigration rights. Well exactly who is it that is protesting here, the illegal immigrants? If it is then this will show exactly what is wrong with this country, we should go there arrest them all and throw their asses back across the border. If you don't belong in this country you have no rights to anything but deportation.

I have never when into other countries and demanded anything, and lord know that I have been to quite a few. I didn't march into Greece and expect them to cater to me, I went there and respected their laws, their culture and the people. I was an american living in their country and I respected that, I have nothing but respect for the Greek people, they are great people, I would have never expected them to change their laws just so I could live there. That is what makes me different and most people, we respect other countries laws.

Let's see, I have been to Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, England, Ireland, China, Jordan, Oman, Turkey, Portugal, Mexico, and Canada and never once did I enter their countires illegally and expect them to accept me with open arms. I didn't expect them to change their laws just so I could live their. I respect their laws and I am sorry if things here in America are better, but if you don't belong leave, go somewhere else stop putting your burdens on us, the American people.

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