Friday, December 30, 2005

Here is to the end of 2005!!!!!

Ho Hum where to start: You know I think 2005 will go down in history as one of the biggest drags of all time. Let's see where to start, we didn't get our baby yet, that was going to be the biggest highlight of 2005 by far, but it isn't going to happen. I lost contact with pretty much all my friends from high school except for Richard and Kim and naturally my brother Scot. Have no idea what happened but life goes on I guess. Job some days seems to be going no where but down hill, hopefully that will turn around in 2006. Hopefully everything will turn around in 2006, we will be traveling soon to China to adopt our first baby, I will hopefully get to go to Las Vegas with my buddy Richard and who knows maybe win a little moolah. I think my father in law is going to come down to Columbus and help me put a new deck on my house, that should be exciting. We have lived here for 5 years now and we have wanted a new deck since we bought the house. Don't know what else to say other than hello 2006, 2005 SUCKED. I hate to be like this but I don't know of anything really good that came out of 2005, so let me put 2005 behind me and start looking forward to 2006. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, SEE YOU NEXT YEAR..............

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