Monday, August 22, 2005


Guess who's going to Las Vegas??? Todd and Richard are, that's who. Tenative date is May 2006 I think around the second week. Richard and I are bowling in a league that after the season everyone that wants to go to Las Vegas goes. Thanks to Kim and Faye for allowing Richard and I to pay the extra $13.00 a week so we can go to Las Vegas and have a really good time. Don't know where we are staying and won't know until Dec./Jan. time frame. Now comes the time for saving some extra moolah so we have money to gamble and eat once we get out there. I figure it's 4 days and you have to have at least $150 a day to eat and gamble if you want to gamble. Believe me there are plenty of other things to do other than gamble, so if you don't want to gamble plan on a little less, I like to gamble so that is what I am planning on taking. Any of the other FELLAS wanting to go let me or Richard know, you will have to book your own trip but it shouldn't be that much since we are going through the week. This will be a really good time. Posted by Picasa

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