Tuesday, July 12, 2005


This goes out to all of those that were involved in the bombing that took place in London, England last week. You are nothing but a bunch of cowards, if you want to do something about what is happening in your country, go back there and do something about it. You know what I don't agree with everything that your government is doing but you don't see me coming over to your country and blowing up your friends and loved ones. Killing innocent people just trying to make a living in this world isn't the answer. The war is being fought in your country not mine. How much longer are people going to tolerate muslim people living in their countries before the true hate crimes begin??? I wonder if my neighbors are terroists and to tell you the honest truth I wish they would move back to where ever in the hell they came from. If you don't like it here get the hell out. I don't want you here and I don't want to live in your country either. As far as I am concerned you are all terrorist and I want you to leave.

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