Wednesday, November 23, 2005

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hear it for our Government

Geeeeeez what a surprise, just when the government needs us to go and start pumping billions into the american economy for Christmas season, what happens? Gas prices fall to less than $2 a gallon here in central Ohio. You know the older I get the less sense the government is making to me. Do they think we aren't noticing or do we just not care? As soon as Christmas is over (By the way am I allowed to say Christmas or am I offending anyone because of your religion?) gas prices will skyrocket again and it will be because of our harsh winter. Gas prices shouldn't change more than once a week, what price you see on the board Sunday is the same price you should see the following Saturday. ONCE A WEEK GAS PRICES just so you don't feel like your getting screwed every other day when you fill up for $2.50 and the next day it's $2.08.

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