Here it is once again I am up way before I should be. This is 2 weekends in a row I have been up before 6am on a sunday. Remind you that I work 3rd shift, and I shouldn't be getting up on the weekend before 10 or 11am. Well I figure I'm up so this is the perfect time to catch up on some writing. First off GO BUCKEYES, what a great game yesterday 25-21. That is truly one of the best football games I remember in some time. The Bucks like usual left us all in suspense until the very end. Congratulations to Faye for winning a $100 (she won 2 quarters @ $50 a quarter) in the football pool I had going at work. To my buddy Ryan down south, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GO BUCKS MICHIGAN SUCKS.
Thanks to our friends Richard and Kim for coming up with a really nice day bed for my parents to have. I didn't in a million years expect for Richard to come up with something so nice. My parents and I really appreciate it.
Anyone wanting to know how the adoption of Alexandria Grace is going will be upset to learn that our referral has been pushed back as far as we know right at this moment, about 2 months. With any luck at all we think we will have our referral by Jan. 2006. This is a little frustrating for Faye and I, but what can you do? We are completely at the mercy of other people and we understand the ups and downs of getting to the referral stage of our adoption. We were really hoping to have our baby by Jan. 2006, now it is looking more like the March/April time frame. Who knows but I will keep you all updated as we get the information.